While there is no explicit coding curriculum in place until Grade 6 ADST, earlier elementary grades are ideal places to begin the exploration of coding and computational thinking concepts. One easy way to start is by identifying areas of your existing curriculum where Computational Thinking already exist. Learn more about computational thinking HERE.
CS Unplugged is a collection of free teaching material that teaches Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around. This website has unit plans, lesson plans, teaching videos, curriculum integration activities, and programming exercises to plug in the Computer Science concepts they have just learnt unplugged.
Code.org is a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools and increasing participation by women and underrepresented minorities. Their vision is that every student in every school has the opportunity to learn computer science, just like biology, chemistry or algebra. Code.org provides the curriculum for K-12 computer science and also organizes the annual Hour of Code campaign which has engaged 10% of all students in the world.
CodeBC aims to connect British Columbia teachers to a wealth of grade-level appropriate, cross-curriculum coding and computational thinking resources. You can search through resources by grade, subject matter relevance, and even expertise level.
Kids Code Jeunesse wants to make sure every Canadian child is given the opportunity to learn computer programming. To do so, they help teachers and educators bring code into the classroom curriculum, into after-school programs, and into programs or Code Clubs at libraries and community centres. Check out their great resources!
Coding Trek is an interactive, technology-driven program allowing teachers to engage students in Grades 1 to 3 on a journey with coding concepts, numeracy, language, social studies and science. Students work through a series of challenges using the ScratchJr program, gathering clues to complete a final digital breakout challenge. In the process they are introduced to core computational thinking skills that build the foundation of coding.
Talk.CodeBC offer educators across the province the opportunity to commicate on coding related issues and share resources. An account is needed to join the conversation.