District Applications
What information is being collected?
Upon completed consent, SeeSaw student accounts are created using student name, school, and unique student reference number, and parent accounts are created using parent names and email addresses.
Other information collected in using a SeeSaw account includes content created in and/or uploaded to the SeeSaw platform by the user or classroom teacher. Content will typically take the form of personalized learning artifacts including pictures, images and other content pertaining to the individual student.
Who is it being shared with?
All SeeSaw data is stored in a Canadian Cloud and is not accessible from outside of Canada.
For what purpose?
SeeSaw offers a new way to communicate student learning which engages families in ways that better aligns with emerging self-service trends that provide real-time student progress, reporting, parent participation and student support for our families today.
What else do I need to know?
SeeSaw collects, stores, processes and shares student personal information only for the purposes of providing our Service, or as authorized by a school or a parent.
SeeSaw does not own the content or data collected from a district, school board, school, teacher, parent or student. Users own their content and data.
SeeSaw does not sell, use or share student personal information or content for marketing or advertising purposes, unless with explicit parental consent.
SeeSaw does not use student data for targeted advertising purposes.
SeeSaw will maintain a comprehensive data security program designed to protect the types of student data maintained by SeeSaw.
At any time, a parent/guardian can complete a formal request to delete all files for their child on SeeSaw.